Hellooooo! We're already halfway through June! Crazy stuff. Happy Year mark Hermanita! That's incredible to think you've been out for a year now. 👏🏿 Keep werkin!
It's sounds like you all had such a jam packed week, Dad especially, with all your running around. I hope Grandaddy is feeling better! Thanks momma for the food ;) OH and thanks to the Haslems for the nice surprise! It is very much appreciated. Dwayne, you teach those high schoolers how to do it boo boo 😉
Happy (early) Father's Day dad and papa and Grandaddy and all father figures! I'm grateful for all you do for me and for especially teaching me the important things in life. I'm extremely grateful for
your love and dedication you show everyday. I love you!
This week was another hard one for us. We probably knocked a billion doors just trying to get someone to let us in. Out of all the different places I've been, I feel like Vallejo has the most potential yet also some of the not so nice people. Elder Brock is learning quickly how crazy this world is and how people won't even look at you because you're wearing a white shirt and tie HA. We were able to see Maria a couple times this week. She's about the same, still doesn't fully get it or care. We're praying to know what the next step we need to take with her is. We've tried to set a baptismal date with her almost every time we go over and we keep getting, "ya me bautice." Eventually something will click for her and it will make sense. We are just working towards that point.
We did lots of service this week! One of the more fun ones being able to help clean out an elementary school. Every year, at the end of the school year, the missionaries in our zone go to this elementary school to help bring all the desks out into the hallway and help teachers clean out their classrooms. It was pretty fun and reminded me of mom and helping you with your classroom stuff.
We probably had so much carne asada this past week it was insane. We had a member on Friday feed us the nicest dinner we ever had. We usually get simple meals, but this was like a three course deal. They got us these huge steaks and said eat up. They wanted to make a dinner that we wouldn't forget. Well, Mission accomplished. Then the next day for dinner, we went to a party for someone's birthday in the branch and they made carne asada. Then, because there was so much left over meat they invited us over the next day for lunch to help finish it off! Oh the tender mercies!
I just wanted to share something that was shared it church yesterday about The Book of Mormon. (It's in Spanish, but that's ok): "Esperamos que ustedes, hermanos y hermanas, estén nutriendo su espíritu al leer regularmente el Libro de Mormón y las otras Escrituras, y que las estén empleando en su ministerio. Es mediante la lectura y el estudio del Libro de Mormón, y la búsqueda con espíritu de oración de la confirmación de su contenido, que recibimos un testimonio de que José Smith fue un profeta de Dios y que la Iglesia de Jesucristo ha sido restaurada sobre la tierra. Leer [el Libro de Mormón] les producirá un efecto extraordinario en la vida. Ampliará su conocimiento de la forma en que Dios trata con el hombre y les infundirá un deseo más intenso de vivir en armonía con las enseñanzas del Evangelio. Además, les proporcionará un poderoso testimonio de Jesús."
[HERE'S MY BEST GOOGLE TRANSLATION: We hope you, brothers and sisters, are nurturing your spirit to regularly read the Book of Mormon and the other scriptures, and that you are using it in your ministry. It is by reading and studying the Book of Mormon, and searching prayerfully for a confirmation of its content, that you will receive a testimony that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and that the Church of Jesus Christ has been restored to the Earth. Reading [the Book of Mormon] will produce an extraordinary effect in life. It will expand your knowledge of how God deals with man and helps you have more a desire to intensely live in harmony with the teachings of the Gospel. In addition, they will provide a powerful witness of Jesus.]
This really helped me realize the power The Book of Mormon has on our lives. It testifies to us so many things; that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God called in these later days, that his priesthood and church have been restored upon the earth again, and, most importantly, that Jesus is the Christ. It's such a blessing to have it in our lives. I can testify that no matter what situation you may be in or
who you are, The Book of Mormon can improve the quality and happiness of your life. That's a promise God makes to each one of us. Only if we put a little trust in him.
It's a blessing to be here and to be a missionary. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I've changed so much for the better and can only hope to keep on improving. I am grateful for your support and love I feel
everyday. Take care. Do something rambunctious. Stay safe. I love you!
Con Amor
Elder Alexander Scott Joyner
Also, I heard about what happened in Orlando. So many prayers have been going out to all those effected by it. Its awful what this world is coming too.