Holy Canoli. What a week! It's been our first full week of the transfer and boi has it been a busy one. We've had lots of appointments and some pretty good lessons.
So the first one is an investigator named Bonnie. We have been trying to see her all last transfer and it didn't really happen much. We have been able to have a couple lessons with her this transfer though. She is super strong and has been taking lessons for forever, the only thing is that she has to get married before she gets baptized. So Friday we got a call from Bishop saying they had an interview with him and wanted to get married on Saturday! She also said she was ready for Baptism possibly this month too. So we got super pumped for her and she even called us and asked me and Elder Castro to be the witnesses and everything! But then we got a call Saturday an hour before the
wedding saying that he had called it off and the wedding was no Mas. He apparently just got cold feet and didn't want to go through with it anymore. It was kinda sad because now we have to wait on a baptism too. Oh whale.
Also Thursday, we received a referral from this guy named Jesus. We went to go visit him and he said we could come talk in his barn. So we had a lesson in this sketch barn lol. He turned out to be super solid and is progressing super fast too. He was going to come to church but got called into work. We're hoping to get a baptism date soon too.
We've got a couple others I'll tell ya about eventually.
On Friday, one of our sisters was on exchange with a sister that was from GEORGIA. She is from the West Forsyth area and knows Noah Causey and Nick Eibler and it was good to have another Georgian there.
We had the Crèche festival Saturday too. It was huge! The performance was pretty good and lead by a local director. It was a good time!
Alma 13:27-29:
27 And now, my brethren, I wish from the inmost part of my heart, yea, with great anxiety even unto pain, that ye would hearken unto my words, and cast off your sins, and not procrastinate the day of your repentance;
28 But that ye would humble yourselves before the Lord, and call on his holy name, and watch and pray continually, that ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear, and thus be led by the Holy Spirit, becoming humble, meek, submissive, patient, full of love and all long-suffering;
29 Having faith on the Lord; having a hope that ye shall receive eternal life; having the love of God always in your hearts, that ye may be lifted up at the last day and enter into his rest.
Alma is basically pleading with "the inmost part of his heart" with "great anxiety even unto pain" that the people would listen to him and "cast off their sins" and "not procrastinate the day of repentance."
This reminds me of lots of things. It reminds me of us as missionaries, and although the were not going out physically screaming at people to repent, we do try our best to help and aid those who are
ready to take those steps. Haha this also reminds me of a scene from Johnny English, where the King imposter has a tattoo that says "Jesus is coming. Look busy." This basically means that people are going to say "oh looks like he's coming now, better repent real quick." Except nah. That's not how that works. We can't procrastinate something as eternally important as this. We HAVE TO be humbled before the lord and pray continually so that the Holy Spirit can lead us to become humble,
meek, submissive, patient, full of love, and all long-suffering. This scripture is verrrrrrry similar to Mosiah 3 which talks about becoming "like a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love,
willing to submit to the Lord." This is literally word for word the same. Then if we have that faith, hope, and love, we will be lifted up at the last day to enter into his rest. This is super amazing to me
that we have the opportunity to live in the presence of God after this life, if we do our part. I've gained a testimony of this eternal process and plan. I can testify that it's true and as we come to know
it and learn more about it, we will be more motivated to do those things we need to do to return to Him.
Have a great week y'all! Keep up the Christmas cheer! Mucho amor!
Con Amor
Elder Joyner