Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Transfer11Week3 (November 14, 2016)

Hello Hello!
How's y'all doing? HAPPY BIRTHDAY DWAYNE! Another year another piece of cake, amiright? It sounds like you gots a fun day planned to go see a show, but you should find someone to go with you bud...... :) just sayin. Wow and next week is thanksgiving what? That's pretty crazy how that came so fast. It's crazy to think I'm in the same zone I was in last year for this year too. Should be a good time!

This week seemed kinda busy-ish. I was kinda sick at the beginning of the week but it seemed to clear up as the week went on! I just got a little too exhausted. We had a couple of pretty cool experiences though! One being this last Friday. We had received a referral in the afternoon and went to contact the person that night! The referral was busy and said we could come back another day, but as we were walking back to the car there was a garage open with some blaring mariachi music, so of course we go to check it out. We walk up and start talking to this one guy named Adan. We showed him the video from the Easter initiative that talks about how through Christ we can find a new life. After the video, there was a pretty long silence, and not just like any kind of pause, but like a piercing silence that you could feel and tell he felt something and was thinking about something. He looked up and said something like where can I find you guys or where can I learn more? He told us how he wanted a new life and needed to start over. We promised him that he could be clean and start a new life through Christ. We also promised him that through baptism our sins can be washed away and we can feel new. He wanted that. You could tell in his eyes! We set up a date for this next week to come back and teach him. It was really a tender mercy to see someone so ready to change be placed into our hands, our care, by the Lord. 

Other fun things that happened, Elder Crowley and I had to translate Stake a Conference which was stressful but crazy. It was a good experience though! Also, me and Another elder (elder Allsup) sang at a baptism of Saturday. We had a total of 20 MINUTES to prep, but it turned out ok :)

We also had interviews with President on Friday. I presented the question, that I asked you mom and dad, last week about how I can completely give my whole heart over to the lord? He gave me some real great counsel on it and there are several things I'm doing to try and achieve that. One of them is that I started the Book of Mormon with that in mind. This was something Elder Bednar challenged us to do, and something a dear friend of mine did with this same question. I love it and will share more insights as I go along. I am reminded of the lyrics from Come Thou Fount, which say: "Here's my heart, Oh take and seal it, seal it for thy courts above." This is the time to do the work of the lord and I'm more ready now than ever. 

I want to express my gratitude and love for each one of you. Please know I love, think, and care for each one of you. I love my mission and every second of it. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Love is what conquers all. 

Have a superb week.

Con Amor

Elder Joyner

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